Spreading Ruellia is an erect, hoary velvet-hairy,
much branched shrubless, up to 50 cm tall. It is basally woody, with
quadrangular twigs. Leaves are carried on 4-10 mm long leaf-stalks.
Leaves are elliptic-ovate, rarely obovate, 1.5-5 x 1-3 cm, densely
velvet-hairy on both sides, entire, basally rounded, blunt or somewhat
pointed. Flowers are pale-white or pale-violet, stalkless, 3-4 cm long,
usually solitary in leaf-axils, rarely 2-3 in cymes; bracteoles leafy,
elliptic-spoon-shaped or ovate, 8-10 mm x 6-7 mm, blunt, stalked.
Sepals are linear-lanceshaped, 4-5 mm long, fringed with hairs, equal,
pointed. Flower tube is up to 3 cm long, funnel-shaped, petals nearly
round, 8-10 mm long, blunt. Staminal filaments hairless, anthers
oblong, about 2 mm long. Ovary hairless, about 2 mm long; style
thread-like, 2-3 cm long, hairy. Capsule is elliptic-club-shaped,
1.4-1.8 cm long, hairless, 8-10-seeded. Seeds flat, ± round, about 3 mm
across. Spreading Ruellia is found in Tropical Africa, Arabia,
Pakistan, SW India and Sri Lanka. Flowering: September-March.
Medicinal uses: 
In folk medicine, Spreading
Ruellia is used in the treatment of gonorrhea, syphilis, eye sore,
renal infection, cough, wounds, scalds, toothache, stomach-ache and
kidney stones. The kani tribes of Kilamalai, India used this plant as a
remedy for the bite of special species of spider known as “Tiger